Saturday, February 16, 2008

Parking Lot Symphony

Parking Lot Symphony, originally uploaded by cieuxautres.

February 13, 2008 44/366

Toy cars on a piano. Now that's art.


Arches, originally uploaded by cieuxautres.

February 12, 2008 43/366

A quick photo at the playground just before we finished playing.


Safari, originally uploaded by cieuxautres.

February 10, 2008 41/366

Guest post today from the Doctor who had the camera all day while I worked.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Flying Machine

Flying Machine, originally uploaded by cieuxautres.

February 9, 2008 40/366

SkyGirl--channeling Bono, apparently--and her cousin riding DaVinci's Flying Machines at the Renaissance Fair. Yes, this place can be hokey. And the corollary to my bestselling coffee table book, "Beautiful People Do Not Go to Theme Parks," would be "Less-than-Beautiful People Like to Dress in Corsets and Pantaloons." But, I really like this festival. Maybe it's that the rides are all human powered. Maybe it's the excellent craftsmanship in the costumes, tools, and leather bound journals (which I can't resist buying). Or maybe it's the really good beer.

This year I was most impressed with the joust, which in previous years always looked very staged, but this year, the knights seemed to be actually competing and the speed of the horses was certainly not faked. Even if it was pre-programmed, three knights on galloping horseback, each carrying an 9 foot lance, and spearing a ring tossed in mid air still ranks as an bit of skill.

On Time, In Range, Arrived

On Time, In Range, Arrived, originally uploaded by cieuxautres.

February 8, 2008 39/366

Reflections of the desert in the Phoenix Airport.

Echo of Form

Echo of Form, originally uploaded by cieuxautres.

February 7, 2008 38/366

This was a tough week. Half of our staff out for two days meaning I pick up the slack. Plus today was SkyGirl's ballet lesson and we had to clean house before guests arrived tomorrow. Thus a late night attempt at artistry. (Imagine the ones that didn't make the cut.)

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Skilled Hands

Skilled Hands, originally uploaded by cieuxautres.

February 6, 2008 37/366

Caught short handed at the clinic, I assisted the Doctor all day. And by assisted, I mean that I generally stayed far away from sharp objects, fur and blood. I am at home in the front room, with the money and the computer and the servile attitude.